Shrink materials

Polyolefin shrink films

Shrinkable cross-linked films based on polyolefin films (PFF) – universal films for packaging of items of different shapes on a semi-automatic and high-speed automatic flow-pack lines, are suitable for different products and goods.

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Это новый вид упаковки, которая применяется для упаковки продуктов на картонную подложку, жёсткую плёнку или блистер. Данная пленка создает эффект «второй кожи», поэтому продукт идеально фиксируется на подложке.

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Shrink bags

Shrink vacuum bags of our production are made of high barrier materials, and have several advantages:

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Heat shrinkable bags for cheese aging

Special composition of the sheet used for the bags allows releasing the excess of carbon dioxide(CO2), resulting after cheese aging and at the same time creates good barrier for the product to prevent oxygen (O2) access. 

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Shrink films

High barrier shrink-wraps are intended for vacuum packaging on automatic lines such as flow-vac.

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